So I'll lay it out for you:
No' 1- Practice using Automated Forex Trading Software: A very important tool in the Forex Traders Toolbox.
Not only do you get Demo accounts to practice on before you get your feet wet, but these little robots which scour complex and ever changing Forex Currency Trading Markets, will run 24/7, scalping trades and getting you pips day and night, whilst you sleep, shop or explore other markets.
No' 2- Get yourself a Bee's Knee's Broker: There are many average Joe Brokers on the market, some definite scammers and a sprinkling of seasoned Pro's.
Do your homework, visit forums, write a thread asking this exact question. Check who responds, see how many posts they have, see when they joined. If they have over a 1000 posts chances are they know what they're on about and there advice on who they recommend will probably be invaluable.
No' 3- Never rely on Guess Work and Get Out when you Should: With Automated Trading Software Systems this doesn't apply as there is no human subjectiveness involved as it simply sticks to the margins in place.
When you trade on your own though you MUST apply discipline or you will be on the road to the Forex Newbie Graveyard sooner than you can say "Mumma Meeah!"
No' 4- Follow these 3 Steps with Cold Hearted Discipline: Tell yourself that Forex Currency Trading is a business, just like any other business- it takes time, but if you follow the 3 Steps above:
Practice on your Automated Trading Software and practice like mad on a demo account.
Get yourself the Mother of all Brokers, one that comes highly recommended from more than 3 sources
Never believe you can Guess the market forces or how the trade will shape and you have what it takes Kick Ass in this business.